
Return to Me
Turn around; change your mind
Return to My heart; return to My peace
Take your thoughts captive to the Truth
Silence the lies of the accuser–
Return and rest
Rest in Me
Step out of the commotion
Inhale–breathe in the soothing aroma of My presence
Exhale–breathe out the perplexity and the pain
Embrace the beautiful communion of silence–
Return and rest in quietness
Quiet your weary soul
Be still and remember
Remember the richness of our history together
Proven faithfulness; love beyond words
Open arms always longing to hold you–
Return and rest in quiet trust
Trust in Me
Trust in Me with all of your heart
Lean into My arms of grace
When you can’t hold on; I’ll still hold you
If your trust falters; I’ll still trust you …
I’ll trust you to return  
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.  Isaiah 30:15  

Of all the things I am grateful for–and there are many–I am most grateful for the enduring faithfulness of God’s love.  Whether you have taken a tiny step, or even a giant leap, away from his presence, he is always wooing and welcoming us back into his arms.  That fact alone keeps me close to his heart–the knowledge that no matter my condition I am always welcomed, always accepted, always and forever loved.

Today my heart is filled with gratitude to the “giver of every good and perfect gift” and I long for him to have his heart’s desire.  Wherever you are today– return and remember the great love of God. It is not only the best gift you can give yourself …

It is the best gift you can give him. 

Dear Lord, 
With gratitude in our hearts for all you’ve done–we return to the safety and peace of your presence.  In quietness and trust, once again,  we find our strength in you.

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