To Be Continued . . .

11830686_10207143436526291_590088438_nLast week the Holy Spirit hijacked my podcast.

I felt at the time that it might mean a change for more than just that one week but I really wasn’t sure. I had only started posting weekly podcasts–including resuming the Monday Morning Musings devotionals–ten weeks ago, so switching things up this early in the process came as a bit of a surprise. When I started them I knew it was something I needed to step out in faith to do but I also had no clue if it would be a short or long-term thing.

I’m still not sure.

Last week, I thought for a moment that the podcast on “New Things” might actually be the period at the end of a rather short sentence. But that didn’t really feel quite right. So then I thought maybe it was a comma–just a slight pause. Maybe it will be, but that didn’t feel quite right either. What I finally did feel right was an ellipsis–that oh-so-difficult to decipher dot dot dot . . .

It’s the punctuation that tells you something is missing. But the thing is, I’m not quite sure what it is. There’s more to come, but it hasn’t yet unfolded.

So I’m going to flow with it. I’m going to wait. I’ll move when I know He’s moving. I have no set schedule or plan except to follow His leading. Maybe that will mean posting once a month, maybe that will mean posting almost as regularly as I currently have. Maybe it will mean I never post another podcast. I really don’t know.

But I’m OK with that.

Here’s the deal, I don’t want to model polish and perfection. I want to model faithfulness and sensitivity to His Spirit–where ever that does or does not lead. However it does or does not look.

But living life that way–and especially doing ministry that way–can be a bit messy. It can look fickle. It can look indecisive and uncommitted.

Honestly at times it even feels a bit foolish.

But I don’t really care all that much about how it looks, or even how it feels. What I do care about is practicing what I preach. I care about living what I claim to believe. And to really do that,  I hold things very, very loosely.

Like I said in last week’s podcast, I have the ability to say a bunch of words. They may even be words that have a measure of anointing and life on them. But I don’t want to just do something because I can–I only want to continue when I know it’s what Jesus is leading me to–whether it makes sense to anyone else or not.

So these are my musings for this particular Monday. Definitely of a different nature than what I originally intended. I’m not sure what the next weeks and months will bring. We shall see. What I do know is that when it comes to life in the Spirit, there is never a period at the end of the sentence. Our story with Him goes on and on and on. It’s ever  unfolding.

And, as always, it is to be continued . . .

4 thoughts on “To Be Continued . . .

  1. I can’t tell you how much your words and thoughts are an echo of my own heart Cindy! I’m grateful you are able to communicate it better than I’ve been able to.
    Blessings to you dear friend as we continue to wait for His plans and purpose to unfold. There’s that word again…and like the song rings over and over in my heart and mind…It’s going to be glorious.


    1. I’m glad someone understands, lol. Yes, “unfolding” does seem to be one of the words of the season. And I so agree with you – it IS going to be glorious! Love and hugs to you ❤️


  2. Hmmm…I think this post was hijacked from the WordPress Reader. This post was not listed last week. I just figured you already took a break. I went directly to your site to find it. Anyway, have a blessed time getting fresh insight and direction from Papa. Look forward to hearing about the upgrade… 🙂


    1. Been so busy I’ve been away from WordPress. Weird that it didn’t show up in the Reader but stranger things have happened! And I agree … I’m looking forward to an upgrade too — always a good thing. Blessings to you Mel!

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