Thoughts on Being IN Love

Love is a powerful emotion.

Love is a powerful choice.

But lately I’ve been thinking about love not just as a wonderful emotion or as an intentional choice, but as a literal position. Because…

Love is also a powerful place.

I don’t know about you, but it seems like a lot of folks I talk to these days are feeling squeezed into some very tight places. It’s that “hard pressed on every side” thing Paul talks about in 2 Cor.4–when you seem to be out of options yet things are still coming at you from every direction. It’s a narrow, closed-in place. A place where you don’t feel like you have any room to breathe or anywhere to go.

I know a thing or two about that place. But I also know I don’t have to live in that place. Instead…

I can live in Love.

And Love is a broad and spacious place.

Recently I was at an event because a friend’s band was playing.  Early in the evening the musicians started spontaneously–and prophetically–playing.The presence of God was strong as we waited before Him. I knew that many people walked into the building that evening in a cramped and tight place, but with every note, I had this profound sense that God was literally expanding those tight spaces. There was a clear but unspoken divine invitation to step out of that place of being “hard-pressed on every side” and into a broad and spacious place of abundance.

A few minutes later, the band started singing a line over and over again that made the invitation even more profound … “In Your love – You have promised Your abundance.”

In His love, He has promised His abundance. In Love there is abundance.

And beloved, whether you know it or not, you are in Love.

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.- Eph 1:4-5 NIV (emphasis mine)

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. – 1John 4:16 NLT

Being hidden in Christ means that we are literally, positionally, hidden in the place of Love. And Love is a broad and spacious place. “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me (Ps18:19).

In Love there is abundance.

In Love there is freedom.

In Love there is hope.

In Love there is fullness of joy.

I know there is a lot going on for a lot of people. I know it’s real. I know it’s hard. I know it can feel like it’s choking the life out of you.

I also know that feelings can lie.

Circumstances can lie.

But Love is always the truth.

Because He is the truth.

He is Love.

Which makes us in Love.

And in Love is a very,very good place to be.

6 thoughts on “Thoughts on Being IN Love

  1. Precious Friend,

    Thank You! Words from heaven above, simple and yet powerful, how can that be???
    Know this God has used this as part of my own personal breakthrough. Keep doing the good work dear friend.
    Live, Love, Laugh,
    Just me.


    1. Always good to hear from you Juanita Pita. Glad the post blessed you 🙂 Most truth really is quite simple but profound. One of the (many) things I love about Him. Blessings to you!


  2. So confirming right now Cindy. I’ve been in some of those tight, choked places for some time and beginning to experience this broad place of love you spoke of. My husband and I are finally released from a former church we no longer felt a part of. Going back to our roots to His place of appointment. I thought I heard our Father say, “Welcome Home daughter”. Yes this is definitely another new beginning, and a new sense of owing no man anything but the liberty of the law of love Galations speaks of.
    Thanks for sharing such confirmation. Hugs to you dear sister in Christ.


    1. Sounds like an exciting time, Glenda. “It was for freedom that He set us free.” Praying you find many treasures of His grace waiting for you in that broad place of love during this season! Many blessings to you! xo


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