From His Heart to Yours: 9/2/2013

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. –Ps. 139:17-18

I never stop thinking about you, beloved—you’re always on My mind. And every single one of My thoughts toward you are good. My intentions toward you are good—always. My hopes and dreams for you are beyond anything you’ve yet to imagine. Sometimes you think your own dreams are too big, but you haven’t yet begun to dream big enough! All things are possible for Meand all things are possible for those who believe. There is a place in My plans—a special place no one else can fill—waiting just for you. There is a place you fit. It’s not too late and you haven’t missed it. It’s true that your own choices matter, yet I left nothing to chance. I knew the road you’d choose from the beginning. All your days were written in My book before one of them came to be. Every past season, all the circumstances of your life, have been stepping stones leading you to this very hour. I won’t fail youand you won’t fail Me. I believe in you, beloved. I believed in you long before you believed in Me, and I will always believe in you. So dream with Me. Trust Me with abandon. I promise, the best is yet to come!


Can you imagine all of the grains of sand on one small stretch of beach? How about the grains of sand in just one small fistful? No? Neither can I! But God can and that’s how often He thinks about you! His thoughts toward you are infinite—there is never a time you are not on His mind. He is never too busy. He is never more concerned about someone or something else. He literally has all the time in the world for you. And every time He thinks of you—and remember how often that is—He smiles. He knows exactly what He created you for—He knows the dreams and desires He’s had for you from the beginning. He also knows your dreams and desires—and He wants to share them with you. Why not take Him up on it? Why not dare to dream with God? Dare to dream with the One whose thoughts toward you are so wonderfully, marvelously, extravagantly, outrageously good. The sky’s the limit!

Lord, thank You for believing in me and for inviting me to dream with You—truly nothing is impossible for You!


“Love Letters” are simple messages from His heart to yours, posted at the beginning of each month. To read others, click here.

12 thoughts on “From His Heart to Yours: 9/2/2013

  1. Hi Cindy! So nice to meet you today!

    I just felt myself relax while reading your post. You have such a lovely way of telling us all about the love of God. What a blessing!

    It’s good to think of every moment as stepping stones to this one. And here I am!


  2. What beautiful words, Cindy! I can never totally get my mind around this aspect of God. Here we are, seven billion people on the planet and He never stops thinking about us and loving us, uniquely and individually. It’s stunning and too awesome to fully contemplate. I think that’s what David was getting at. And I love the idea of daring to dream with God. That captures my heart even more. What an awesome and wondrous God we have who loves us this much! Thanks for challenging my heart. Many blessings to you.


    1. Yeah, pretty crazy to contemplate just how thoroughly He knows and loves each one of us. I think that’s why David had a bit of a “brain tilt” and said “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, I cannot attain it!” Thanks for the encouragement. Blessings to you!


  3. What I love about this verse is that all the sand in the world…yeah, that’s just while we sleep…”And when I AWAKE, I am still with You.” What a beautiful way of saying He can’t get us off His mind! 🙂



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