
A young mind is firmly set–heart determined to find its own way.  New paths to explore and new adventures to be had.  The broad road beckons …

And a child wanders off the path of life.

Her head and knees are bowed–heart bared.  Tissues littered across the floor. Anguished sobs interspersed with declarations of truth and hope  …

A mother cries out for her child.

His ears are inclined–heart and arms open. He hears her cries and shares her tears. Watching and waiting for the perfect moment to intervene …

A Father longs for his children.

An unseen battle rages in heavenly realms.  Powers of darkness lure, entice … and ensnare.  Confusion reigns.  Deception prevails …

For a season.

But seasons change.

Soon the bowls of incense that hold her prayers begin to tip. The fragrance of his presence is released.  The power of his love pursues.  He has saved every one of her tears and pours them out like rain.  A heart hardened by the lies of this world begins to soften …

He sees it first.  He sees the miracle unfolding from afar.  He sees the stirrings of a heart awakening to love.  He sees the secret treasures of darkness–the redemptive beauty arising out of the ashes of heartache and broken dreams.

She has to wait.

But she does wait.  She watches.  And she hopes.

A mother always hopes.

Then one day it happens. As if out of nowhere, a miracle takes place.  That which was lost, is found.  The lost child returns. All of heaven celebrates.

She celebrates, too. Her grateful tears and whispered prayers of thanks thunder above the heavenly commotion. They reach the heart of the One who alone understands the depth of her gratitude.  Together they rejoice.

But together they also continue to weep. Her heart is still bared. The floor is still littered with tissues.  A battle has been won, but the war continues.  A child has come home, but others are still lost.

Though he weeps with her, he sees before she does.  He sees the miracle unfolding from afar ….

She has to wait.

But she does wait.  She watches.  And she hopes.

A mother always hopes ….


This post is dedicated to all of the praying moms (and dads) who are waiting for prodigals to return. Whether you have been waiting for months, for years,  or even for decades, don’t lose heart. You are not alone. There is One who watches, waits–and hopes–with you.  The season is changing and they ARE returning.  Even now, he sees the miracle that is unfolding from afar …

“This is what the LORD says:

‘Restrain your voice from weeping
and your eyes from tears,
for your work will be rewarded,’
declares the LORD.
‘They will return from the land of the enemy'”

–Jeremiah 31:16

7 thoughts on “Homecoming

  1. My children now 6 and 2, their hearts so receptive to Jesus, so open to praying with Mommy. But I bare in mind and pray in that day that will come when the broad road beackons them when this mother is on her knees crying out for their return, I know I will remember your words friend, I will remember your faith and the promises of God “Being confident on this that He who began a good work in our children is faithful to complete the work….” Praise God for the one sheep who has returned and for the one that WILL return!
    Love you friend, Juanita


    1. Praying that the “keeping” power of God keeps your little ones close to his heart–always–so you never have to cry out for their return 🙂 Much love and grace to you~


  2. Our faith is in Christ alone, especially for our prodigals. I give thanks that our faith is stronger as those of us who are still waiting endure through the sufferings. God will provide rest and fulfill all our good intentions and faithful deeds. This is all possible because of the undeserved favor of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. Giving thanks to God for you, dear sister loved by the Lord, May He continue to comfort hearts as I join in agreement with you. Hallelujah! Amen & Amen!!!


  3. Thank you so much for writing your testimony! I have written mine and it can be found on one of the pages in my blog, called of all things: “My Testimony”. Read the previous two pages first though before you read it.
    Thanks again for a wonderful story.
    My testimony can be found at: robinclaire.wordpress.com


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